About us

All of Norway's moving agency
- Large and small moving assignments for 50 years!

Hasselberg Transport AS has 12-18 moving vehicles at its disposal that transport moving goods daily.
These are all equipped with special equipment such as moving blankets, trolleys, piano straps etc.
We are now the relocation agency in Norway that performs the most relocations between southern Norway and northern Norway.

As of today, we are the relocation agency in Norway that performs the most relocations between southern Norway and northern Norway.
With so many moving cars - we have the opportunity to carry out the move whenever you want.

For you as a customer, this means that we can offer you quality relocation at a nice price.

norsk flytteforbund medlem
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Hasselberg Transport AS was established in 1968.
During these years, we have acquired the knowledge needed to be able to provide full service to our customers.
The head office is located in Tromsø - and from there the moving cars are controlled around Norway's country - as well as the north.
We also have skilled partners who can handle relocations to Europe and the rest of the world.

Memeber of NFF

We are one of 14 moving agencies in Norway that are approved members of the Norwegian Moving Association.
The membership is a seal of quality and a security for you as a customer.